Our black belt grading usually saw most of the students in the local hospital accident and emergency department afterwards. We trained outside in the fields and rivers of Derbyshire, and I loved every minute of it. There were no kick pads and rubber knives in those days. Training that in those days could only be described as brutal. In a few weeks it turned out I was a natural at it and from 18 to mid 30s I trained in Shotokan, Waldo Ryu, Shukokai and Kendo. They were looking for new students and I guess they thought they’d struck out when I said I’d join their club.

One day by accident I met two guys doing a shotokan karate demonstration. I was the skinny, spotty, weedy, glasses wearing nerd who often got picked on at school for being different. I started my karate journey many years ago, a lifetime in fact. I’m a recent visitor to your website and what a find it was. You’ll probably see that I’ve recently bought some of your Bo & Sai Kobudo Videos.